Monday 13 June 2011

Milkyway's End

        Everything that has a start has an end too. The final state or the destiny or the future of a living organism, star, galaxy and the universe has, is to die as all involves life. The end in many cases can be predicted but its accuracy is proved only by time. With great efforts combined by the masters of Physics throughout the world, a picture of how our MILKYWAY galaxy, which is also known as AKASHGANGA will end in the time frame yielding a new galaxy.
        With the advancement in technology, we have figured out the answer to our galaxy's end. As per the experiments, physicists believe that our galaxy would die due to its collision with another galaxy heading towards it. The collision will not take place in a day or a year, rather it will be a process of many centuries. It is predicted that the galaxies would cross each other by side many times and will eventually form a new galaxy with a new black hole at its center. The velocity with which milkyway is heading is nearly 4,00,000 Km/hr yet its collision time is a lot ahead; somewhere around 5 to 6 billion years. Fortunately we will not see our galaxy dieing in front of our eyes and we being getting shrunk in the distance.


  1. The speed is too high....may be collision will be more destructive than can be imagined !!!

  2. The milkyway galaxy will collide with the andromeda galaxy which is the neighbour of our galaxy.The collission will lead to formation of a new galaxy.The shape of this new galaxy is determined by the speed by which they collide and the gravitational force assossiated with it..............................anyways........nice blog......good to see a space guy

  3. The Milky way galaxy will collide with the andromeda galaxy which the neighbour of our galaxy.The collission will cause a formation of a new galaxy.The shape of the galaxy will be largely determined by the reletive speed of aproach of the galaxies and the gravitaional force associated with the each galaxy.............

    Anyways very good blog........nice to see people still interested in space and time

  4. SUPERLIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you Anand for the additional information.

  6. Thanks to you Mr. superlike for your time and comment. It is really appreciated.

  7. As much convincing it seems .. but how can 2 galaxies collide when the universe is expanding .? When everything is moving away ..

  8. As convincing as it seems. And experiments conducted . How can 2 galaxies collide when the universe is expanding.? When everything is moving away from each other by virtue of exeistence and life . What force could actually make it possible for this particular phenomenon.?

  9. As much convincing it seems .. but how can 2 galaxies collide when the universe is expanding .? When everything is moving away ..

  10. Hi Pratyush,

    Firstly, thank you very much for taking out the time to read the article and post a question for clearance!

    Yes, the collision of galaxies is possible. Universe is expanding, however, these two galaxies are moving towards each other. The expansion has the effect that the time for collision is delayed.

    As for the evidence whether such a collision occurred in past or not, it has been theorized that the formation and destruction of galaxies takes place because of the collision of the old galaxies and then reforming a new one.

    I hope this helps !



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