Wednesday 11 May 2011

Big Bang Confirmation

Big Bang ?
        The Big Bang Theory was introduced by Einstein as a solution to the most baffling question about the origin of the universe. According to this theory the universe was born as a result of a huge explosion that occurred 10 to 20 billion years ago. Earlier to that the universe was a very small dense ball of matter which was unstable causing a massive explosion now known as "THE BIG BANG". Though the theory was a huge success, it failed to explain why the universe was unstable in that state. 

Big Bang Confirmation !!
         It was somewhere in 1940's when the Russian physicist George Gamow stood firmly with the statement that the radiations left over after the Big Bang shall still be moving around in the universe despite of the fact that the temperature has drastically fallen down. Gamow and his collaborators - Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman, in 1948 even calculated the temperature of the universe as 5 degree Kelvin. The Theory of Big Bang was confirmed in 1965, when two scientists - Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson while working in Bell Laboratories for satellite communication discovered that the antennae picked up a disturbing signal in the microwave range. At first the scientists failed to recognise the signals as the left over radiation from Big Bang and struggled to eliminate the signal by not only checking up the instruments but cleaning the antennae to the best possible way. They also tried picking up signals in different directions and from certain height from the ground using jet planes and balloons, but couldn't eliminate the disturbance. Rather the higher we went, stronger the signal became. After careful study when the scientists plotted the relationship between the intensity of radiation and the frequency, they found the curve resembling to the one predicted by Gamow nearly two decades back. Even the temperature of the cosmic fire ball (universe) was found to be 3 degree Kelvin, very much close to the one predicted by Gamow. This background interference is also called as the 'echo' of the Big Bang and is a proof of its occurrence.


  1. Einstein was never wrong !! Wish he could have lived to the the day when his theory was proofed !

  2. Earlier to that the universe was a very *****small***** dense ball of matter which was unstable causing a massive explosion now known as "THE BIG BANG.................. nice post but do't u think its odd....a very small dense ball converted into a very big universe........check it once ...

  3. Mr. Pushkar, its a good guess but it is to be emphasized that the universe is expanding which is the cause of its size. An analogy is rubber. A rubber piece is small but occupies more area when stretched. In the same way universe also works. Also universe is more odd than we can think.


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