About Me

Welcome Note
Hello reader, I am an engineering graduate from Bangalore. Electrical & Electronics Engineering. I belong to one of the most historic city- Meerut (U.P.), known for its innovation in arts and crafts. Adding more, I am a person who loves Physics which is the reason why I constructed this blog. The space, time, universe and some of the fascinating questions such as- The origin of the universe? Is time travel possible? and so forth are the reasons that invites a man to indulge in physics and are no exceptions to my case any far. The curiosity that resides in an individual to be able to understand the happenings going around him and explain them in a more logical, systematic way along with  mathematical equations as a proof of one's understanding drives us to scratch our head. Speaking more of myself, I am also interested in music and in a learning phase of 'Drums'.

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