Tuesday 31 January 2012

Dark Matter

      For years the physicists struggled for creating an image of the outer space through computers but failed to develop a stable model. The model was being developed in order to see whether the data that we collected is accurate or not. Also the purpose was to discover a black hole. A Black Hole cannot be detected by using instruments in space. Every time the outer space was simulated, every time it fell apart. There was something that was missing, but what was that ? The answer was The Dark Matter.
     What is this new thing? Is it an element or planet or a star? This new thing has been defined as matter but its type is still undefined. A matter is defined to have mass and volume; so does dark matter. Dark Matter constitutes a large amount of the total mass of the universe. This matter cannot be seen, then how can it be detected? The only known way today is by weighing the matter. When values were substituted with dark matter in mind, it gave astonishing result, a stable space. But what was in this matter that we were not able to achieve a stable universe? Using the laws of conservation, the mass of celestial bodies was calculated and equated for analysis, but due to lack of sufficient strength to hold the bodies together in the system, the space was tearing apart again and again which is not true. To resolve this missing mass, the concept of dark matter was introduced.

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