Saturday 24 September 2011

Galilean Relativity: Volume-1

Galileo Galilei
     In the world it is possible that a particular event is viewed differently by different people. Depending upon the frame of reference, an event may seem to be different to viewers but in all the cases the laws of physics are never violated. Galilean Relativity is a reference frame based phenomena. With reference to this concept, let us consider two simple situations. 
      In first situation, imagine two humans inside the cabin of a ship which is at rest. The cabin contains some of the decorative items like an aquarium with some fishes in it, paintings, etc. Also let us bound the outside view from inside the cabin. Let us say that one of the friend 'A' throws a ball towards his friend 'B' inside the cabin. Since the ship is at rest, the relative velocity of the objects inside the cabin including the humans will be zero. In this situation the people inside cannot tell whether they are moving or not as there is no relative motion between the objects inside the cabin.
      In the second situation, imagine that the ship is moving with certain but constant velocity in a particular direction. Now let us say hat the velocity is v. The velocity of each and every object inside the cabin will be v with respect to the ground or the shore. This means that the relative velocity of objects with respect to each other is zero. Suppose the friend 'A' again throws the ball towards his friend 'B'. Since the outside view is bounded & the relative velocity is zero the people inside will not be able to tell whether the ship is in motion or not.
       It is clear from the above exercise that the velocity of ship has no impact on the event taking place inside & so even though the ship is in motion, none of the humans or intelligent species can tell whether the ship is in motion or not. This is the basic idea of 'Galilean Relativity'.

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